Sunday, March 10, 2013

ZBrush Sketch 001

I'm currently taking ZBrush with the awesome Bryan Wynia at CDA.  I probably spent around an hour on this particular sketch thus far. It's still at very low subdivision level and using just three tools. If I knew the design right off the bat, I can probably get to this point in around 10-15 minutes.  But unfortunately that is not the case. For me at least it's still a lot of noodling around to find the shapes and forms. The anatomy is still way off, haven't looked at any reference up till this point, so I think I'd need to in order to solidify the desgin. Anyway I'm glad I recorded this, because playing back the clip helped me realize which part is working and which part isn't...

There's also some awesome dudes in my class. Stephen Platt and Erik Martin (who happens to be roomate with Derek Kosol) just to name a few.  It's such a pleasure to see how those pros work and how they go about designing in 3D.

One more thing I'd like to add, ZBrush is really like 2.5D as Master Bryan says it.  It's almost like painting but in pseudo 3D space.  Extremely intuitive once you learn the UI.  Bryan showed us three tools in the first five minutes of class.  In the next 5-10 minutes everyone was sculpting a full bust figure! Unbelievable!

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you are learning such a prevalent program with so many industry heavy weights. I have heard great things about z-brush's interface and the programs abilities as a whole. Supposed to be a genital learning curve for fine artist types.
    Its a great looking alien to me. Good musculature and bone structure. He looks like a thug and reminds me of the prisoner from Bad Planet.
    What machine have you been using to work with ZB?
